Faced With a Fire or Flood Disaster, What Do You Do First? Second?
Faced With a Fire or Flood Disaster, What Do You Do First?
The very first thing you should do is call your insurance agent to report the disaster and property damage. The second thing you should do is contact a trained and certified restoration contractor. It’s a good idea to have the number of a trusted recovery firm on hand to save time when you require emergency natural disaster management services.
After that, follow these directions:
- Check for any visible structural damage including sagging or warped ceilings, etc.
- Safely turn off your water and electrical sources to prevent a fire from igniting.
- Discard any food that has come into contact with contaminated water or other substances.
Remember to photograph the affected area before removing any debris or damaged items; removal of any belongings can reduce the extent of your coverage.
The faster you report the damage to your insurance, the faster your claim can be processed to receive compensation to pay for the restoration needed. You’ll also be reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses, so be sure to save all your receipts.
Professional Restoration is Denver, Colorado’s leading disaster recovery company, providing 90-minute response times and quality service. Visit us online to learn more about the restoration process or call us today at 303-992-4001.